This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Let's see. . .

1. I haaaaate moving. More specifically, I hate packing. It always reminds me how much crap I've accumulated. I takes FOREVER. It's boring. Not to mention it's so damn hot. I have so many other exciting things in my life, but I have to focus on MOVING. BLARGH.

2. There is an official date for the wedding: August 18th, 2007. It's both awesome and surreal to have a date. But it's also awesome. The reception hall was only free ONE DAY in August, and that was it. A Saturday even!

3. Trying to get back to work, but I'm now in charge of ordering some things AND am still suffering from post-prelim funk/inertia.

4. Life is really so very good that it's almost silly. In August Andy and I will head up to visit his folks in upstate NY, and I'll likely meet about a million relatives for the first time. AND my mom and possibly dad will be driving up to meet his parents, which will be epic. Hopefully in a good way. Mom wants me to wear her veil, and may bring it up to NY since I won't see her again until December. Man, you spend so many years wanting nothing more than to get out of the house and away from your parents, but right now I feel like hiding behind her while she deals with the event side of getting married. I have no money and no time, and that makes things. . . tricky.

And I don't want to become wedding obsessed. Right now my attention is like a ping-pong ball that keeps bouncing from joy to joy. Hot guy, new apartment, passed prelim, cute haircut, I'm gonna be The Bride, love running, love Madison in the summer . . . . it's crazy and a little too dizzying.


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