Sunday, May 21, 2006

To Crazy Amber:
Subject: Prelims

It’s all going to be just fine. You’re scared that you aren’t going to be prepared. That you won’t get it all done. But guess what? Worrying won’t get it done. Worrying won’t make you prepared.

You can do this. You have to set the fear aside and just get it done. Relish the chance the show you DO belong here. To fly more than a little bit blind, with pretty much no net. It’s time to Stand. Because you’re really only fighting yourself here. Your own petty fears.

Most of all, remember it’s not going to be this crazy forever. 7 weeks of madness. It’s a crucible. But you’ll get through it, and it’s going to go faster than you can imagine. And then you’ll have jumped through the hoop. You’ll have a trip to Florida, a new apartment . . . summertime!

Already this semester, you’ve pioneered a new area of research and gotten control over your own fitness. It’s all going to be ok. Just stop being afraid to do the work, read the papers, and get every single person’s input that you CAN get. Ok, now go run!

Rational Amber


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