Tuesday, Twin Peaks, Four Minutes
I keep waking up at night. Or, as far as I can tell, I’ll get up the next day and at some random point I will recall waking the night before to look for something in my room. Or remember talking to myself. It’s likely just stress and caffeine.
Of course, watching “Twin Peaks” always makes me wonder if it’s supernatural—but that’s just my imagination crankin’ out things to scare me again, likely. Twin Peaks is fantastic show, btw. Even though it seems utterly bizarre, it makes a weird sort of sense. Everything David Lynch touches feels more real than anything else in TV or cinema. The scenes look more familiar than they should--I think he may have a direct conduit to my brain. There was this great quote last night, during one of the episodes Sarah procured on VHS, and it went something like:
“There are some things you can’t find in books”
“There are some things you can’t find anywhere. But you think you can find them in other people.”
Yesterday I moved up from a 3-minute run interval to a 4-minute run interval. It felt. . . freaking easy. 3 minutes seemed pretty challenging, but yesterday I felt like I found my stride. Like my cerebellum finally locked in the coordination I needed to move my legs and arms at the same time, without tensing up or thinking I was going to fall over. Four minutes felt easy, although it still took longer for my heart rate to come down. I took a new route and got barked at by two little wiener dogs in somebody’s yard; I yelled “good boy!” at them without losing my wind. They were doing their job, and being absurdly cute at the same time.
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