Sunday, February 05, 2006

Last stop in procrastination-ville!

For once, it appears my Sunday will be far better than my Saturday. Usually it's the other way around: the reality of monday sinks in on Sunday, and I spend most of it worrying instead of chillin'.

It's been a mildly rough week. Without classes, I have much more time to focus on work, but conversely that means I get really deep into it and don't realize I should take more breaks. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's only NOW starting to dawn on me anyway. I stayed up too late on wednesday reading the Dark Tower (my fault) and ended up being completely zoned out and depressive on Thursday. And of course, being upset and depressive always makes me upset even more since I worry why I'm so upset (dumb). It's a downward spiral.

I was psyched for Friday, but exhausted by the time it got there. Instead of taking my guy out dancing, I stayed home, did my laundry, took a shower, and invited him over to sit on the couch with me and look at webcomics.

I slept in waaay too much on Saturday (aka, 2PMish), which meant by the time I got rollin into work there was about one hour of sun left, and I'd lose it to work. That's no good for the psyche. It was one of those days where all I really wanted to do was go home, curl up with a movie and be quiet, but it was saturday and I also wanted to socialize and help Sarah bake cookies and such. Conflicting!

This is all very selfish rambling, but oh well. The overall message here was that I needed to curl up and be quiet, and eventually that's just what I did. You work so hard you feel like you need to go out and play hard too, but I just haven't been doing much of the at-home-me-time stuff that's actually kindof important. So Saturday evening, I did that--grabbed a blanket and watched the last disc of Tenchi Muyo! and zone the f**k out. Then went and saw Underworld:Evolution, which was really bad but in a good way.

And now it's sunday, and I should get some work done before the Superbowl commericial -fest. Cheers!



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