Monday, January 09, 2006

January, week 2

I think part of what makes life wonderful are the little things that bring you just a bit more happiness and/or comfort. Yes, it sounds pretty Hallmark-y. It’s pretty cold in Madison, so for X-mas Mom always gets me silk longjohns to wear during the day. This year she got me sweet sciencey ones that are made with coolmax fibers which wick away moisture and keep you from getting TOO hot. And man, they are neat.

Saw “Brokeback Mountain” yesterday with Sarah. All the viewings were eventually sold out, but we made it into one. It was an excellent, albeit sad, film. I was afraid it was going to be a mediocre romance movie with guy-on-guy action as the gimmick. Instead, it was the story of two people who loved each other, even though they could never show it. It’s a very aching sort of romance and I had to follow it up with a chaser of something funny.


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