Monday, January 30, 2006

The last bits of January have nearly been consumed. It was a slower month, but still it went by so very damn fast. Oh well, that's life!

Had a pretty good weekend. Got up early on Saturday to go be weekend squidmeister. We had some extra squid arrive from Hawaii that I had to unpack and set in bowls of one part seawater-they-travelled-in to new seawater to acclimate them. Well, the one female we got was pretty upset with the whole situation, and proceeded to squirt ink turret-gun style out of the bowl, missing me (thankfully) but making a very artsy pattern on the squidroom floor. She calmed down after I left her in a new, un-inked-in bowl all by herself for a half hour.

Other than that, not much to report. I introduced Sarah to the wonders of Predator 2, which wasn't really as good as I remember it being, but I think it just looks alot more dated now. I still hate Fox for running both Alien and Predator franchises into the ground. Also, in some grand metaphor for life I'm sure, Andy and Sarah tried to bake brownies but they didn't cook all the way. It could have been a bad thing, except we just heaped them over vanilla ice cream and it was ridiculously good. Sunday, I slept in until 1PM and spent most of the day putzing around the apartment, making myself tuna salad, watching Tenchi Muyo, calling the folks. . . also, I cleaned my room today, and have a brand new humidifier which allows me to access the filtering apparatus (unlike my old cheapo walgreens one). So yay.

Ok bedtime.


Brother Don said...

Hey amber, im glad to hear your squid acclimated well to their new madison home!!! Yea, aliens and predator have been pretty much ruined... Though i liked aliens 3 and i thought the aliens in alien 4 were the best produced models yet in terms of articulation and structure. In sad news AVP2 has been confirmed... =[ I wish they would just base it on the "AVP: prey" novel which was amazing. And yes, you should read ender's game. It really was a great read and made me think about the darksides of childhood and the military. I am plan on gaming with some people here in morgantown using their own created RPG system called "Mythica". Hopefully I wont get to weirded out by it... Cheers!~

2/03/2006 2:19 AM  
Spazmo said...

Yes, if only they'd realize the AVP: Prey novel has everything they need for success:

1. Space
2. Aliens
3. Hot Japanese/Ninja/Warrior chick.

I was really confused as to why they didn't go with it for the first movie.

If you haven't, you should see Aliens 3 special edition. It's a totally different movie. And possibly better.

Don if you aren't going to post on myspace anymore, where am I going to harass you?!

2/03/2006 11:09 AM  

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