Coast with me on the manic high of a job well done! I’m nearing the end of my responsibilities for my T.A. position this semester. This week was a biggie—doing a 1 hour lecture on Tuesday and a 1 hour discussion section today. Ok, so it’s nothing compared to being an actual professor and doing this EVERY week, but it’s still damn challenging and I STILL get nervous when I have to speak in public, even if it always turns out respectably.
I love my TAship this time round. All the students are 1st year grad students, mostly from my program, and they are just so damn sharp. I thought I was going to have to pull teeth to keep them talking during discussion section, and then they sat there and discussed and debated and brainstormed with practically no prompting at all. They were wonderful and I still felt smart and helpful. It was, well, rewarding.
So here we are in November! I knew it would get here soon. I’m still working through “The Wolves of the Calla” in the gunslinger series, and THE NEW HARRY POTTER MOVIE COMES OUT SOON!!! EEEEEeeeeee!!!
Songwise, I hit a milestone today of small proportions. I have been able to listen to The Barenaked Ladies without becoming teary-eyed. I know, it’s a stupid thing to mark, but whatever. There are a lot of songs I haven’t really been able to enjoy because they reminded me of Dave. And yeah, they still do, and always will. But it’s good to get to enjoy them again. I had worked through Moxy Fruvous and now I can do Barenaked Ladies. . . what next?
Also, I’m enjoying the best of the Cure . . . such a lovely sound and lovely lyrics! I remember dancin’ my little heart out to this one at the Cardinal last week?
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You’re just like a dream
--“Just Like Heaven,” The Cure
can't I PWEASE have a pony? :(
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