Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Two solid-gold truths

1. It really sucks when you're very tired but you don't want to go to sleep because that would mean it would be tomorrow that much sooner. And tomorrow isn't so much bad as it just means more work.

2. Lots of people are acting sortof crazy right now, and there are times when I think "why is everyone acting so crazy?" and then I realize that if it's good people act this way sometimes, because it makes me feel less crazy, and gives me something to laugh and gossip about in a totally non-constructive manner.

P.S. I love my Alice! I don't know if anyone else reads this but her, but I don't care. Well, not that much at least. . ..


Alice said...

it's because I am your number one fan and am utterly devoted to you, my love.


8/25/2005 2:16 PM  
Spazmo said...

YAY! It's good to have a number one fan. Let the lovefest continue!

8/25/2005 10:02 PM  

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