Monday, October 06, 2003

Weekend Update, with Amber

Yes, I've got to admit I'm sucking up the place with my inability to do regular posting. It's lame, and I'll admit that.

But really! I've been doing alot, and I guess it's some sort of good indicator that I've got no time or energy to post. But it's my therapy, so I'm lacking. . .

The general state of my life is this: I'm busy, and I'm getting awesome at driving. Seriously, I'm amazed at how easily it all comes now, this driving thing. It used to terrify me, and now it's one of the few times in the day that I can just relax, talk to myself, and yell at people.

But on to the goodies:

Thursday was HEEEELLLLL. I had two big reading assigments due, and then I had to give my final lab presentation in Katy's lab. The computer wouldn't work, and life didn't stop till 6PM. And of course, I had the mother of all sinus infection colds. Came home, passed out.

Friday started off normally enough. I had thought that, it being my last day at Katy's lab, I would just wrap everything up and be done. But instead I was doing several different procedures right up until the end of the day. Then I had to scoot down to Memorial Union to see if there was any of the first years waiting there to do something for the evening. By blind blessed luck I ran into Heather, Jeremy, and Rhett, and we made a long trek to Regent Street to a place for Nacho's. Rhett and I split nine-dollar nachos, and I got a blue lemonade--made with pucker and it tasted like blue sweet tarts.

Then Rhett and Jeremy and I mozied over to Luther's Blues to see if we could find Roger. Our goal was to see the wet t-shirt contest that was supposed to happen there at ten, and we waited in the almost deserted club until Roger and Andrew finally arrived. This was at about ten. But nobody else really showed up till midnight. But man, the people flowed in after that, and suddenly we were in this crowded, rowdy club.

I could probably fill pages and pages about the wet t-shirt contest, but this isn't some Oxygen special or lifetime original movie. For the most part, I had a great and crazy time. "tonight, you get to be one of the boys" Roger told me. And that's what made it great. The club was dark, the ceilings were low. I got to sit in a leather chair flanked by two guys on either side, and watch a flock of sorority girls crowd by, with a little trio of alternative chicas on the periphery, and of course, the everpresent dancing guy. The announcer kept trying to get ladies who wanted to participate in the contest on the floor dancing. Eventually they passed out little white tank tops with "GIRLS GONE WILD" logos--Oh, did I mention that the wet t-shirt contest was sponsored and being filmed by GIRLS GONE WILD?

The girls seemed to have issues with whether or not to keep their bras on under the tank tops. Practically speaking, that would be pretty silly considering the purposes of a wet t-shirt contest. But already I felt for them, because really they were all new to this. One girl was fighting with her boyfriend, sluggishly trying to keep her bra on while he tried to remove it. Things in general got drunker and drunker as the night went on. Eventually the contest got started, what with the ice cold water and the hooting and hollering. That was good giggly fun, seriously!

We started out with great seats--remember we got their damn early? but as soon as the ice water hit breasts, guys started shuffling up to the front of the room--there was no stage. Almost immediately we lost all view of the girls in a ring of guys. The announcer started urging the girls to take off their shirts, take off their bras, "fucking take your clothes off!" he'd yell. It was about then things started to get less fun, and more crazy and scary. I stuck by my guy friends, but--like any thoughtful girl--it took effort to shut off the panic switches that said "huge crowds of drunk horny guys--DANGER!" They kept inching in tighter around the girls. Most of the girls had ducked out of the circle--not really willing to take all their clothes off. Eventually the only girl left was one that had appeared out of nowhere, and basically had nothing left on. Seriously, naked chick dancing in a circle of cheering guys. Of course, being short the only things I got to see where the pictures on people's cell phones, and the life footage they were recording. Eventually people got bored of the show--later found out the chick was actually a stripper! whoah!

I have really mixed feelings about that evening. I've been trying to sort out the good from the bad. I had no trouble with the wet t-shirt contest. In fact, it's something I'd go to see again. It was wild, sexy, and wild again. What I didn't like was what the film crew seemed to demand. It was unnatural, and scary. They'd tell the girls to "get the fuck out of the ring" if they weren't going to show anything else, to "quit wasting their time." It wasn't sexy. Period.

But I'm glad I went, and despite the tenser moments, I had a great moment where I was on tip-toes at the edge of the circle, trying to get a peek, and this HUGE black guy turned around, and put his hand in front of my eyes.

"Don't look! don't look! You gotta hide your virgin eyes!" It made me laugh, and I relaxed a bit after that. And Roger is pretty certain he got on camera, so he was the hero of the evening.

Ironically enough, going to the contest gained me a good touch of notoriety among the first-years (for better or worse). Some disbelief, but baby, I've got nothing to hide. I feel like I have been on a great adventure, that took some bravery and sensibility.

Saturday night I went back over to Roger and Nick's house to watch teenage mutant ninja turtles and x-men with the boys. Yeah, I'm started to get a crew of guys to hang out with, which is awesome. Finally, I'm starting to feel like I'm making friends.

Today, I found the most awesome store, called Ragstock. Everything hovers around or under ten dollars, including shiny pants, girlscout uniforms, pimped out fur jackets. So, I've made progress on my Molly Millions costume--after seeing the hot topic display of nurses outfits I decided to go with Molly Millions instead. Yay!

ach, must do homework. shite.