Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Ow, my head!

Hey folks! Finally found a span of time where I wasn't exhausted or willing to fill out insurance stuff to sit down and write about how things are going. They certainly are GOING, that's for sure.

I caught the bus on monday, just as some wierd people backed their truck up a block to ask me if I'd trade them my money for their bus ticket. I told them I couldn't because I had to catch the bus to "make it to orientation"

Which somehow sounded cool, in a Saved-By-the-Bell sort of way. And I made it there on time, and followed an intelligent looking girl all the way through construction to the Medical Sciences Building. I stood there on the corner looking up at the big, sandstone building, and realized simultaneously that something was hanging out of my nose, and someone was calling my name. Had to act fast, but I think I saved myself embarassment just as Bailey showed up--she was a chica from my recruitment weekend. We decided to seek out our meeting room together; so to begin with I had a compatriot.

The first day is very much a big blur. They handed us big binders and papers, and we had long presentations on chemical safety, biological safety, health care benefits, payroll, taxes. . . . all on Monday. I would have been happiest just watching the safety videos--you can't beat lab people pretending to be on fire or covered in dangerous chemicals. You really can't. I came home and Dave made me a most delicious feast of salmon and brie & tomato sandwhices on french bread. AND red wine. I sat there thinking "Damn, I don't deserve this!"

And then I passed out for the evening.

Tuesday was full of ten-minute presentations by various reasearchers, showing off what they were doin in their labs to perhaps persuade us to do a rotation there in the fall. See, the micro program requires that you do at least 3 rotations in 3 seperate labs--each lasting about a month--before picking a lab to do your thesis research for the remaining 5 or so years. I'm supposed to have my first rotation figured out by near the end of the week, as well as all my classes picked out. It's a little frightening, since we'll be hearing presentations through till Friday. I met with my advisor to discuss possibilities. I think I'm going to take Advanced Microbial Genetics, as well as Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis. How cool does that sound?! I have a required journal club and I must warm a seat at the weekly student seminars (3 year grad students and up presenting their research). And of course research in somebody's lab. I'll be quite busy enough.

Today we had a 2.5 hour presentation on radiation safety. Lots of labs use some radioactive materials in their research, so we all have to get certified. I have the take-home quiz to prove it. Then more presentations. I also ran into Ned (who I did research with in Hawaii) and Margaret, who were eating lunch outside the old biochem building.

I'm supposed to go for free beer on the terrace tonight, but I'm not sure I will, because I'd have to get Dave to take me, and I'm not sure I want to stay up late anyways. Socializing is hard on me, somehow. It isn't very natural when it's with people you don't know. The catch is that socializing is one of the only ways to get to know anybody very well at all.

It's alot to handle in one week. My future has to congeal quickly within the next two weeks. I feel like i should've known that! But I'm trying to stay fluid about this. Be open to opportunity, be honest, and have a good time. Maybe it will work!


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