This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Amber --


A master of storytelling

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Since I had the NICEST dream last night (how long has it been since I had a nice dream? ), I will post on this fine sunday whilst waiting for Andy to finish his ritualistic showering. I dreamt last night that we were at the Florida house on our honeymoon, just lounging around feeling like we should go out and do something. What made me even happier was that I felt that my Grandma Garvin was there (she passed on several years ago). I felt like I could talk to her there, and that was a good feeling.

Once, after she passed away, I dreamt that I got a phone call from her, and she was telling me that everything would be alright and that she would watch over / take care of me. Are both these dreams contacts from the afterlife? Ehh, who knows. I'm happy either way, because I feel like a part of me is here to help and keep me calm, whether it's REALLY another soul or just me. And man, if I had a choice to be anywhere in this world, the house in Florida is waaay up there on my list. Just so sunny and calm and happy.

As for life here in the frozen north, things are still pretty good. I feel like the peaks and troughs of my moods are much higher--especially low at the end of the days when I get tired.

In other news, I gave blood on Friday, which left the rest of the day in a giddy haze. Somehow, the day afterwards is always this beautiful feeling day where you are buildin' new blood cells and taking it easy. . . I hope it helps somebody out there, even if I've got weirdo AB negative blood.


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