Friday, December 19, 2003

December 18th Collage

The key to happiness in life is not money or power or looks or intelligence: it is friends. Friends make life worth living, especially when it's so cold and lonely outside. I can never thank any of them as much as they deserve for all the help they've been giving me. I went over to Rhett & Jeremy's and ate a huge slice of chocolate cake. But I feel better, but sometimes I still just want to throw up, or collapse. I need strength.

It was one of those classic scenes at the airport where one says goodbye to the other and there are kisses and tears welling up and strong smiles.

All the christmas presents I bought are in my car, including a life-size cardboard cutout of Legolas, for my cousin.

"It's for my cousin, I swear" I told the guys at the comic book store. The friendlier one laughed and they offerred me a mint hershey's kiss from the candy jar.

Saturday I go home. I've bought three CD's and an audio book. First big trip all on my own ever.