Time is a funny material
Somehow, Saturday managed to be 3 times as long a day as past Saturdays have been. I mean, I got a crapload of stuff all done on Saturday. Dropped Ben off at some 9/11 documentary, avoided evil home-game traffic, went to the Farmer's Market, went to St. Vinnie's and got the MOST GLAMOROUS DRESS (It has an off-the shoulder collar completely trimmed in some sort of feather/iridescent plastic substance). I came home, watched a crapload of Sex In the City. Then made myself a quiet dinner. By evening, I had gotten Ben to his friend's place to pick up his new computer, and arranged to have just about everyone go to see Resident Evil 2. Following that was a Perkins run, and following that was MORE Sex in the City until 3AM.
I dreamt a nice recurring-theme dream, although it was interspersed with a scenario where I had a quiz I hadn't studied for. . . it made it all the more luxurious to wake up and have it be Sunday.
Instead of placing these thoughts in context, here are my current messages to anyone who reads this:
1. Resident Evil 2 is a ridiculous movie, and that's what makes it great. Seriously, go see it. It's so bad in such a fantastic way.
2. If you are looking for some confounding if not disturbing news coverage, check out the whole Mushroom Cloud over North Korea story. Doesn't anyone else think this story should be bigger than it's been presented?
3. Sex in the City is good like Harry Potter is good. I once would have scoffed at anyone who admitted to enjoying it, but now I am hopelessly enthralled.
4. LARP-ing is just too damn silly.
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