Weekend in review
It's funny, but it's the first weekend that actually FELT like a weekend, in a loong time. Maybe it's because at home every day pretty much was a weekend, and humans cannot physically enjoy every day in paradise. Good lesson to learn.
See, friday I woke up at 7AM to take the most direct busroute into campus to locate the medical sciences building I'm meeting my fellow fresh-grads in on Monday--for orientation. I found it pretty easily, despite all the surrounding construction. And then I hiked to Memorial Union to read Gibson's "Burning Chrome" on the terrace. The terrace is really a porch-like strip of tables and chairs that overlook Lake Mendota. It was beautiful, and ocean-coast like.
After killing time pleasantly, I walked around state street, but I was too early for many of the stores--especially the gaming store which I had been hoping to scope out. But there will be time for that, I'm sure. Besides, it was still very hot on campus, and the place was swarming with orientation freshmen. Imagine Hiram Institute week times at least 10. So I grabbed a HUMONGOUZOID burrito at Chiptole's and sat in a windo seat to watch them go by, and then I hiked AGAIN, dodging sprinklers like the original Mario dodged those flame-circles. Waited for a bus that runs more frequently, and wound up at the West Transfer Point to catch a bus that runs by the apartment. So I guess even if the Transportation department DOES screw me over on parking, I can still ride the bus pretty decently. Just takes longer, and requires standing out in the elements.
So I practically passed out Friday evening, but we did make a late run to Copp's (another grocery store much less crowded than Woodman's, and open 24 hours a day). Fun stuff. Then SLEEP.
Saturday mostly was spent lazing about, after much sleeping in. I beat HALO, which really ruled, even if it WAS on easy level. I can honestly say it's one of the the best X-box games ever--tying with Jet Set Radio Future.
In the evening I drove us over to Blockbuster's where I finally got to rent CHICAGO. oooooh baby! I had to fill out a damn form to get a card, and then had to pay four bucks for the new-new release. But hell, that's ok. I got to make friends with the girl at the register, who was from somewhere with a total state population that matched the population of the Madison Metro Area. Totally nice person. AND Chicago was fantastic. Super fantastic. "The Cell Block Tango" wasn't near as snide and mean as it should have been, I think, but it was still viscious and fantastically choreographed. And Renee' Zelwi-who'sitwhat'sit was well cast as Roxie. You felt bad for her, loved her, despised her all at the same time.
So now it's Sunday. I'm thinking I should go get the little zoomin' honda washed, and also grab the paper--maybe there's a garage sale out there with some chairs or couches. We do need seating. But hopefully once we both get settled and working, we'll know just what kind of money we have for that sort of thing. We'll see.
Tomorrow's the big day--ORIENTATION. Blargh, I'm nervous.
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