Thursday, July 17, 2003

Wow, all I had to do was yell at blogger and now it publishes yesterday's entry?


Ok, today was horrifically boring. Mom went to the pool with her friends, and then went to a dinner party with them. I spent the day with no car, and hardly anything edible. Yes I'm whining

the highpoint of my day was teaching the puppy to roll over. The low point was that my senile cat Snow almost got runover by our van, because for some reason she just stood in front of it. Thank goodness Mocha came down and scared her out of the way.

Going off tomorrow to visit Motown and my brother, but that's after we pick up Liz at state 4-H camp in Buchannon. And then after all that we're going to visit Uncle Dan and Aunt Ellen. That's my weekend!

Oh! actually, another high point of the day was finishing "The moon is a harsh mistress" --Still want to start a moon farm. And then I began reading "Christine" by Stephen King. I can't think of a more fitting book, since it's all about car lust and strainging against adult authority but also being afraid to grow up too much. So Mr. King, my brain is in your hands once again. . .


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