Sunday, July 20, 2003

Weekend with the relativos

Well, I could go on complaining about how yucky, unmotivated, and all-around unstimulated by life I feel currently, but that would be pretty boring. Besides, it's past being theraputic to talk about it. I'm bored, and without independence.

Mom and dad had their big, approx. 35th highschool reunion this weekend. And I thought the fact that my 5th highschool reunion was coming up was a bit scary! So we went down to Clarksburgh to visit Uncle Dan and Aunt Ellen--the kids could hang out with them, while mom and dad impressed everyone with how fiiiiine they look past 50. They did look fantastic, and I'm hoping that when I'm their age, I look that good.

Aunt Ellen had broken her tibia, and wasn't allowed a walking cast--so we basically kept her entertained and hopefully off her feet as much as possible. The result? Many, many happy hours watching premium cable together. I now can brag that I've gotten to see "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" which is perhaps one of the nicest, funniest, and most helpful example of the makeover show.

"Oooh look! they put a living room where the crack den used to be!!!" (actual quote from the show)

First off, they don't just makeover the guy. They makeover his entire house. And cook dinner, and teach him how to cook it. They also teach him how to pick out clothes more tastefully, and how to better groom himself. I think it's safe to say that all should take caution not to think that all homosexuals act like these guys--but at least they aren't all the same Will & Grace Stereotype. OH enough trying to be PC. These guys are just plain clever and stylish, and they HELP this guy be more stylish--and feel better about himself--on his own.

Don was with us, so I got plenty of time to tease him and so we had good times. I barely get to see him anymore, and even less once I go to Madison, so I've gotta keep him in line while I can. We had picked up Liz at State 4-H camp, and I was so jealous of her for getting to go. I miss state camp. I feel kindof old these days, and it seems like one of those mystical places in the world that will always be summery and young in my mind.

One of things I really respect Aunt Ellen for is always asking lots of questions without seeming like small talk. She asks about my life like she cares. And basically what she got me to say is that I want the honda civic, and not the toyota corolla. I just feel more comfortable in the civic, and although it's noisier and rougher, I kindof like that.

So now we've got Dad back for the Monday--this means tomorrow is a car-shopping day. I've got some honda dealerships to call tomorrow, and maybe we'll find something reasonable. Mom says I'm getting a car tomorrow. This is encouraging, but I'm NOT getting my hopes up. These things just can't happen in a day.

but if it did, that would rule.


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