Monday, June 16, 2003


Seems like every time I get started on updating this journal, I'm too tired or my contacts are too squidgy for me to do a really good job.

Things have been quiet. I called the property manager, after we got home and there was a message that they needed Dave's social security number and rental history. Unfortunately, they only work till noon on Fridays, so I left a message saying I'd call them during business hours on monday. Mom of course is still worried that we won't get the place, because she likes it so much. The worrying certainly doesn't help me, but oh well.

We went to Morgantown on Saturday so dad could attend a meeting for the governor's school folks. I was hoping quietly that they'd say they'd like me to work there, but no, they didn't. What jerks. All they had to do was say they weren't interested. Instead they just don't reply at all. Well, I guess it worked out for the best, since I've had plenty to do here at home. Still, I'm a bit pissed about it.

On the bright side, whilst at Morgantown I picked up the 2nd Season of Buffy TVS. 22 fantastic episodes of what is regarded as one of the best seasons. I can see why. Suddenly the series is dropped into a much darker, sadder, and more desperate mood. After all the excitement and amazement from seeing Buffy kick butt the first season, you see that she's still extremely vulnerable and definitely battling issues surrounding being the only one who can do anything against evil, but then also being the one at most risk. Alot of issues that get replayed by season 5, 6, and 7. And my sister Liz is hooked--we watched 3 episodes together last night, and she's been watching more since 3PM Sunday afternoon. It kindof sucks since if I want to use the computer I have to try not to overhear the plot in the next room. But oh well.

Not much happened sunday. Woke up late after having dreams about being Buffy again, around 2PM, and then waited for dinner when Grandpa G came over for father's day cookout. Then went over with Dave K. to Steph's to watch "Snatch," which was goodfun. Turns out Dave K. is moving to his new location in D.C. sooner than was expected, and early on he is assigned to go to Madison for work. The coincidence was pretty entertaining. I asked him if he needed to borrow any maps ;)

Well, that's about all for now. Main goals for the week are to finish out that application for the apartment (get that SETTLED so I can finally say "I have an apartment!" and also close out my educational trust, which will requre the selling of stocks, so that I can get a car. Should be interesting. . .


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