Friday, June 06, 2003

More backroads. . .

I had the pleasure of going out with Justin and Steph tonight, with the goal of finding out if the only bar near Bethany College was open for business. Justin says it is perhaps his favorite bar, perhaps because you see so many people you know. So we drove all the way out there, past Oglebay Park and West Liberty State College, through some near heart-stopping curves on the backroads up to Bethany.

Suddenly we were up on a ridge, with a fench on one side and fields on the other, and it reminded me exactly of a place I drove to on a date with the only guy I despise to this day after dating. If I'm remaining ambiguous, it's only for the sake of decency. It was a disturbing couple of moments as I remembered some questionable things about that evening, when it was raining hard and I'd just been dumped by Dave K. It made me worry about my little sister Liz, who is starting into the age when dating becomes pretty likely, especially for someone as pretty and sociable as she is.

Then I realized there wasn't much I could do but hope she'd make good decisions. I can give her limited advice, but in the end making it through dating in highschool is part luck and part guts and mostly self confidence. She's either got them or she doesn't.

Anyway, we made it to the bar, only to find it closed, so we drove back to Moundsville and had a very late dinner at Mitchell's Family Resteraunt--a local institution open late for all the drunks. It was suprisingly empty, but we had a nice quiet evening.

It meant alot to me to get invited out for the evening without influence from Dave K or Jonah. I've known both of them alot longer than I've known the others, and sometimes I feel like I only get invited places because of them. But I'm just being insecure perhaps. I like that crew, and maybe they like me too! (blatant cheesy rhyming. Many apologies)


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