There's a joke in here somewhere. . .

I'm a sucker for a cute picture. This is Heather's new kitten, Heidi, in the arms of the ever-lovable Jonah. Was there ever a kitten that wasn't cute?
I had another one of those dreams last night where Hiram is much bigger and the dorms are constructed of old mansions. In my dream I let a girl do something questionable to me during a party--one of those one-time deals and nothing more was to come of it, and then the next day ResLife INSISTED we have a meeting to discuss tolerance of homosexual activity for my sake. So I told off ResLife and started walking down the road with my adivsor Prudy, for some reason, and man I just never looked back. Thanks again brain. I also dreamt that it was thundering so loud that I woke up--and actually I did wake up, at 6AM on a saturday!!??? Not that natural phenomena ever stopped me from getting back to sleep. . .
I have money now! Justin took me to the bank this morning so that I could cash my Loyola reimbursement check, and we went to Miller's Family Restraunt for brunch---DELICIOUS OMELETTES. He gave me some good advice on car shopping, and I admittedly like his Toyota Echo too. I need a car. Oh well, came back to Hiram and I even did my reading today for Quantum Realities, as well as laying out my 4-8 page paper. I also attempted to plan a trip to look at apartments in Madison. I'd love to make a little road trip out of it, and take my brother Don, age 20, along for the ride. But probably practicality will ruin it all. It always seems to!
Dave comes home tomorrow!!!YAYA!!
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