Tuesday, May 06, 2003

haiku: the poetry of uncreative and/or lazy people?


Jiu Jistu Haiku I

Man, I just don't know
Something about violence
That makes me happy

Jiu Jitsu Haiku II

I love my dear guys
And try not to hit their knees
Or make them sterile

I'm happily watching part II of The Second Renaissance at The Animatrix. Also very cool, though maybe not as disturbing as part one.

I miss Dave, like about a million times over. What a *great* summer this is going to be, let me tell you. But I just have to keep in mind that after it's all over, we will have long amounts of time to hang out together.

I did alot of bitching after the floor meeting last night, and all of today I felt guilty about it. I wish I was better about being mean. I also need to learn that secrets aren't secrets if you tell other people, and I think I was a bit more of a blabbermouth than was advisable. *sigh* what can you do? I just felt bad, because I've been turning over the issue of the lounge in my head for months now, and I'm beginning to think that we'll never see a old-school lounge rebirth, because there isn't much time for it. Really, the new kids don't mind if you come and sit down there, as far as I can tell. It's just that none of us go down there, whether it be because we miss our friends who have graduated, or because maybe these kids aren't our cup of tea, or because we're busy. . .. whatever the case may be, I'm starting to just lose hope. Henry is the summer residence dorm, so nobody is really moving out, and we can't have an "all senior" lounge during senior week. That was really all I was hoping for.


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