Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Recipe for Amber's Morning

Take four hours of sleep, and to it add:

1 poorly written brain lesion study proposal
1 hazelnut mocha
1 undercooked blueberry muffin
2 hours of baby chicks cheeeping

Place in Bates Hall to chill! There you go, my morning, in a couple easy steps. That's right, the hell week has begun, and I was up till 3AM last night working a proposal of lesioning the amygdala in the brain--and right around 3AM I realized I was probably supposed to focus on the Hippocampus instead. Oh hell. Obviously, you reach a point in the night were you simply stop caring.

Good quote for the day from today's episode of The Outer Limits: "Moonstone"

Lady scientist: "Isn't it maddenly mysterious?"
Guy scientist: "yes. . just like a woman scientist."

coool. . . . I'm really craving a bad movie right now. Preferrably something MST3K-able. Or even a fun horror movie. I need a break.


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