Sunday, February 02, 2003

Sometimes, it rules to be a geeky scientist

Whilst trying to memorize brain structures for my neuro test on monday (and trying not to despair that Brad gave us a heap of questions for tomorrow. . .at approximately 9PM today), I found these, and wanted to share :) They are from the Neuroscience for Kids Page

YAY! OH! and now on a more serious note:

More on February's

I wrote this paragraph to Alice, and I thought, what the heck, I'd like to put it here too:

I'm not sure why February's are so awful all around. It definitely, in part, has to do with the weather--which admittedly isn't very good. But I think more to the point is its location in the calendar year. The holiday season is so fast and jubilant and crazy that its there and gone before you know it. Then the new year sets in, and folks have done their introspection and resolutions and begin looking for ways to change in the new year. And maybe February is that first open stretch, where you get to give your new self a test run. But it's also so desperately far from spring that it's hard to have hope about anything. There doesn't ever seem to be a way out of February. And so this is my dissertation of why it sucks. There's no hope in this month. And also Valentine's Day is lame.


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