Wednesday, February 26, 2003

On Internet Porn

I realize that some people who read my journal aren’t really interested in the smut of the internet, so I’d just like to let you know that this is what the rant’s about, so maybe you can just skip this one?

I'm going to just admit that I'm an avid fan of Internet porn. Not like that's a big shocking thing—the majority of college students I know are interested in it in one way or another--it's just that I'm still working on being open and honest, and not getting so tied up in what people will think about me. I want to share my thoughts on the matter, because really it’s changed my life. Seriously.

I will admit that some of the stuff on the net isn’t so redeeming or even healthy. Anybody who’s visited sites with vore, snuff, and rebirthing can attest to this. . . that’s kindof touch & go. . .you could get something entertaining like cat girls getting eaten by a dragon, or something less appealing, like a human bar-b-que. Giantesses crushing tiny humans into pudding, random shit like that (good examples of cartoon versions of this are at, but I’ll warn you it’s weird shit).

But I’m getting off topic. I just wanted to say how thankful I am for truly good internet smut, and that when/if I have little Amberspawn of my own, I’m not going to worry about them happening across it. I mean, I see the stuff we’re bombarded with day in and day out in the PG through R-rated universe. Most of the beautiful people are all the same kind of beautiful. For one thing, nerdy girls don’t get their due glory. I’ve grown up feeling too pale, too curvy, not girly enough—and especially more cute & awkward than sexy. Also I’ve felt like some sort of lecherous weirdo for being so damn curious about all things sex-related. I feel weird every time I say “sex,” even now! But the internet is a wonderous place. I found Heather Corrina’s site. She’s totally sexy, and she’s 5’3”, 140 lbs, and measures 38-30-40. I found Nakkid Nerds, which makes me feel like maybe I ain’t so bad. You CAN wear glasses, be pale, and be delectable. I can find images of what’s attractive that I can actually identify with, you know? And I think everyone has the right to feel sexy, to seek out what makes them so, and celebrate it all over the place.

In Hollywood and the Networks, there typically isn’t much depiction of a healthy relationship in or out of the bedroom—there are exceptions of course, but still. All over the internet you can find amateurs and couples and who knows who else having sex and not ashamed of it. And so often in the "real world" people seem so afraid of sex. It’s got this crazy mystique, and sometimes this can lead to unhealthy things. I watched the movie “Porn and Chicken” and I thought, wow, wouldn’t it be great if we that club on our campus? Sex is fun, porn is fun, and I wish, in this world, that we could all be more open about it all. I mean, think about it! It’s a whole part of life—and a really wonderful part--that so many people neglect. I know some people aren’t interested in it, and I fully respect that. But you shouldn’t have to feel deviant for wanting to talk/think/explore the topic. You shouldn’t have to be drunk to talk about it with friends. If it weren’t for sex, none of us would be here—it’s clichéd but true.

The haxor handle of Amber Pollack is "Sh@rp Angel".

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