Sunday, February 09, 2003

NNNnnngggh. . . too. . .early. . in the morning. ...

Been a while since I saw 4AM. So here I am. Long story.

First off, didn't get ANY work done for school. Thought I would, but just couldn't do it. I did get alot done for WHRM, which was having its open house this evening, complete with rockin' band "Highball"

But I digress.

First came the IF dinner, which was pretty tasty, but I have to admit not as tasty in some years past. Dave, sweet Dave sat through all of it even though he barely ate a thing. He sure can be a nice thing! *sigh*

Dave went back to Henry to do some work, and I went to the IF variety show, which was pretty fabulous, although 50% of it was women in exotic costumes shaking their hips alot--I'm not complaining about this. I was gonna ask Cari (who I was sitting with) if she could pick me up next week on Saturday from the airport since Alice cannot pick me up, but I forgot. Also realized that I had lost my ID, probably in the KC dining area when my sweater fell off the chair. Not what I needed to have happen, since I'm low on cash and can't even hope to get my card replaced till Monday anyway.

Oh well, fast forward to the WHRM open house. At first nobody was there. Then a few people. Then alot of people. The event went terrifically well, and "Highball" was a delightfully awesome band, playing a good mix of originals and covers. There was music, tons of people playing pool and listening, and food. It was something I wish happened more often at Hiram. I feel like I've not learned much in the way socializing and entertainment here in the wasteland. I only wish it didn't go till 4 in the morning. . .

The evening reminded me of alot of things. First off that I'm a gossip, and when I fall in with other gossipers, trouble begins. Secondly, Judy and Sarah are like predatory animals when they are around boys. I was almost intimidated but at the same time thinking "girls, you need to chill. Stop eating things off eachothers stomachs." I also learned that I really like bands. I like how they joke to one another, and silly stuff like that. I think it's cause Dad was in a band when I was very little, and sometimes the sound guy would babysit me during their sets, so I am told. I wish I played drums or guitar or something. Finally, I got hit on a little bit whilst at the concert. Nothing sleazy or unsettling, just guys saying silly things like " 'Amber'. . that's a beautiful name." *gag* or just asking about my future having just met me. Anyway, I talked to some of them for a while, and I'd reach this point where I'd go: "Man, I wish Dave was here."

Sorry, you thought this was going to be a non-mushy entry perhaps? Well, I'll try to be good. . . . but first I'll go to sleep.


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