Thursday, January 23, 2003

Without Caffeine. . .

Thursday is another lab day: Physics at 8:30AM. This means I need to be up by 7:30AM. So going to sleep at 1AM or later is a little unwise, especially when your only reason for waking up is getting to a lab where, you pray, the most annoying and mean-spririted girl will NOT want to be your lab partner. It was a hard morning indeed.

Luckily, I found someone nice to work with in lab, got done early, and sat around at the Activities Fair in the KC Ballroom, attempting to keep myself entertained and hopefuly not scare off potential biology club members. I got bored and began asking folks to suggest a new name for the skull we typically bring to our table at any given event. It's a toss-up between Murray, Vinnie, and Arthur. I sure hope that skull belonged to a guy. . . Anyway, activities fairs are always entertaining to me, because sometime's you are suprised by who is interested in your club. Then of course there's always the people who ask what your club does, and after you've finished the full schpiel they say "Oh, well. . . I'm not really into biology. . . " and stand waiting for an answer.

SERIOUSLY. What the hell is your problem? The sign on the table says "BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES." Save us all some time and effort. Once again I wonder if this is some botched attempt to get to know me better. I mean, why else would you do something so dumb?

We actually got three honest-to-goodness new members, so despite the pitifully low turnout at the event, and the numerous bored and disillusioned club leaders, I left feeling pretty happy. Murray/Vinnie/Arthur and myself even posed for a picture. We rule.

The rest of the day melted into a fatigued blur. I was just so damn tired, and after working straight through the weekend and week, I just wanted a break. So I came back, took a nap, moved to Dave's room, continued to nap, woke up and ate a cheeseburger, and motivated myself to bundle up and go work at the library. But then I realized I left my keys in the room. I despaired, still sleepy and confused. Then, after notifiying R.A. Julie, Kat walked by, so I got into the room. I braved the cold, bought a diet coke, and entered the library. There I discovered I had lost the file for one of the papers I had to read for Immunology. I despaired again. I went back to the computer lab on the first floor (I was studying in the "Lady Room" on 3rd) and low and behold the person at the first computer was looking at the paper. I persuaded him to give me a copy, and life was good. The diet coke brought with it life-giving caffeine, and I was alert and psyched to be doing Immunology work. YAY!

I have been informed James has signed Dave and myself up for a team in the bowling club tournament. I think we need an awesome name for our team, but all I can think of is my old Quizbowl team name "Snowball's Chance in Hell" which might be appropriate, since Dave and I aren't exactly awesome at bowling. . . .


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