Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Personal Statement

Ok, this it THE THIRD time I've had to compose this message, due to the evils of my touchpad somehow clearing my message each time. Perhaps this post wasn't meant to be, but I don't really care.

Do you think this might be the year I finally yell at people who piss me off? Shit, that would be awesome. No more bitching into my mirror so that I could maintain my politeness. But there are so many problems with speaking your mind. . .

Take, for a hypothetical example, Bob and Joe. Bob has known Joe for quite some time. Every time Joe talks, Bob wishes he wouldn't have listened to Joe, because Joe always says something either vapid or offensive to Bob. Finally, one day, he's had enough. He gets on his weblog and says "Fuck you Joe, you're a retard."

Bob feels better, having finally just said what he felt.
But Bob looks like a jerk. His own friends might not even side with him. They will tell him he's overreacting. Then Bob begins to wonder: does he have the right to yell at Joe? Is it worth looking like a fucking jerk? Is it worth it to piss off all of Joe's friends too?

No, it isn't.

Oh well, maybe next year. ...


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