Friday, January 03, 2003

On a VERY SPECIAL episode of AMBER: New Year's Eve Part II

Let's see, when we last left the house of Jonah, Justin had mistakenly taken a picture of Dave's girlfriend Robyn in the steamy backseat window of her car. . . . .

This led to an altercation between Dave K. and Justin, over possession of The One Camera. Just when things were about settled, Dave K. apparently said "Oh my God, I'm burning."

Dave was wearing a lovely blue dress shirt made of synthetic fibers, and he had backed into a bowl of floating candles. The middle of his back was smoldering, and he made a frantic yet drunken attempt to pat out the fire with his hands by reaching backwards. . . Justin had to come to his rescue, good friend that he is. Pieces of melted shirt had begun to burn Dave's hands. At this point they moved to the kitchen and word soon spread of the incident, although for some reason intially I thought perhaps his girlfriend had done it and I was ready to offer my swift and terrible revenge--protective? possessive? who me? It was all semi-ok, and Dave left the kitchen with his hand in a bowl of ice. I decided to go get another beer.

3AM--drinks consumed: One rum & coke + sip of super r&c, a hard cider, some merlot, and two beers. . . AND A PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE--VOOT VOOT!
Drunk? Me? Drunk? You may have noticed in your life that people take on certain roles when they become drunk. Like Heather for instance: she gets uber-friendly. What does Amber do when she gets drunk? Well, aside from the usual feeling friendly, I become "The Inquisitor" . . . I walk around asking, in a very loud voice, about everything that a given person is doing. For instance, I see Justin and Andy over by the laptop. I creep up behind them and yell "HEY WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING OVER HERE WITH THE COMPUTER HERE?"

Charming, is it not?

There's also the incessant giggling. Jonah, who has donned pleather pants tries to give me a lap dance. Being slightly uncomfortable and not really wanting to enjoy such a thing. . . .the giggling starts. I stumble from room to room giggling and saying "NONONONONONONONOOOOO NO CROTCH IN THE FACE JONAH! NO CROTCH IN THE FACE!"

For the most part, I made it through the evening unmolested, although at one point I was supporting Heather and she rolled her head into my neck and said "Mmmmmm, you smell MUCH better than Justin!" at which point I made my stock comment about girls being required to smell good, slipped her arm around Jonah, and made it fast into the next room. Zoooooom!! Once again, Amber avoids girl-on-girl action! Ok wait, I've never had to avoid it until now! But still!

In the living room, Dave K. was alternating between giggling hysterically and clutching his poor blistered hand underneath his other arm and yowling in great pain. He was hunched over for the rest of the evening, until he called his mom to take him home, and perhaps to the hospital. When Mrs. Kolas arrived, Chad wanted to give Dave a piggyback ride out the door to the car, but Dave wasn't for it. It would've been funny, to see tall Dave with his great long arms and legs splayed out behind the much shorter Chad. Alas and alack. . . .

The rest of the evening, what little is left through 4AM, proceeds pretty much the same. As one of the few girls remaining, I do get a fair share of attention, but nothing unappropriate--I'm very proud of that! Mainly Heather happily takes the unappropriate stuff, which really I didn't think was so bad, as long as she actually did want to make out with Chad in the kitchen. . . . .

Eventually, the last of the leavers leave,and I am left to curl up on the loveseat in the living room, using my sweater as a blanket. Jonah tells me there's a free bed upstairs, the one with whales on it. Beyond denying chivalry, I begin to walk up the stairs, when Jonah says "I'll be up to join you in a minute!" Bah. It's Jonah's bed. I tell him he can have it, and I go back to my spot on the loveseat. Chad settles on the nearby couch, and profusely apologizes for any snoring he might do. I want to tell him I'm used to it, but I just tell him that's ok. I soon drift off to the heavy, tawdry land of drunken sleep. At some point, teenagers come in and fart in Chad's sleeping face on the couch. What the hell is it with kids? Sometime during the night, Jonah puts a blanket over me. He's a nice kid, despite his conduct.

noon: Drinks consumed. .. ..noooone
I wake up. Chad has already left. Jonah informs me that Justin will give me a ride home, and he's leaving in a half hour. I gather my stuff together, feeling rather odd to be walking around in party clothes, still. My beer is in a fridge in the garage, so I walk out to collect what's left of it. Despite other opinions, the day was grey, wet, and beautiful. It made things feel new. And I needed that moment, looking around at 2003 to get my bearings. A new year. ... here's hoping.


So now I've got new glasses. Got them at Lenscrafters today! They're pretty spiffy, and the bottoms are rimless! Mom took us to the new coffee shop in downtown Wheeling. Unfortunately while there I looked up to see evil Scott in the doorway, looking ridiculous and bald in a tan trenchcoat and glasses. I fucking hate that creep. I entertain many thoughts of dumping coffee in his crotch and describing my severe displeasure for the FALSE rumors I had heard he'd spread about me. I may be easy, ladies and gentleman, but I did NOT date this creep for as long as he said I did. UGGGGH. Well, fortunately it was time to leave anyway, thank goodness. Maybe my glasses camouflauged me!

What's my resolution for the new year? To be honest, and to take less bullshit.


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