Saturday, December 21, 2002

Requisite pre-break entry

Are you ready? Ready for 3 solid weeks of me wishing I was back at Hiram? Well, it's a holiday tradition, but maybe this year I'll be happy with a break. The upcoming semester--the LAST semester at Hiram (dramatic, no?)--promises to be extremely busy. Three hard courses, grad school stuff, senior seminar, successional planning in AIBS and WHRM. . . party.

But for the break, I at least can sleep in. I'm vowing to get work done, at least on the APEX and grad school applications. I wish I didn't have to buy any presents. It would make my life easier.

You know, you'd think if your store was named "Trashy Lingiere (sp?)" your products might be. .. . affordable? I learned quite quickly apparenlty "trashy"="indecently expensive." I saw the most beauteous corset in all the world--it was this fantastic mettallic teal .. . ok you'd have to be there. It was over 200 bucks. Holy shit. The internet is a confusing place!

Finally, I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe holiday season. May your merriment be just that, and not get you in trouble ;) And yes, here's to the end of 2002! A memorable year, but a year that needs to move on. 2003 is coming!


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