What Obscure Animal are you?
Wow, I really did NOT see that one coming. Well, classes are over and done with--when did it get to be so late in the year? I have to be disciplined now and schedule in actual work time from now till finals on Friday. Hmmm, we'll see how THAT goes. Not a stressful week ahead, and thank goodness. Because I'm having these weird depressive spells in the evenings.
And I do mean weird. I mean, I'll spend the entire day being happy-go-lucky run around almost manic happy, and then by 10PM I'm ready to kick something or just cry. For now I will fob it off on girly hormonal crap. Still, it sucks. Nothing like going to bed alone and weepy, right?
Today's random encounter involved my old biochem lab partner "Bob." He took a pit-stop at the dinner table with Dave and I, and asked how my year was going. He's a curious fellow--smart as hell--but he definitely thinks differently than most of the world. That's pretty apparent from the moment you first meet him. I hope he's picked out a major by now. . .
Anything else? No, not really. I wore arm-warmers today and got lots of compliments, so I feel tremendously better, ego-wise. Not only that, but they actually kept my arms warm. . . who'd have guessed :)
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