Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Fed Up

You know what? being depressed is lame. It isn't cool. It isn't fashionable or tragic in any way. Nothing is lamer than not being able to get excited about anything, except perhaps how much I despise admitting to being in such a state. it's just fucking lame. I could just say nothing about any of this, but that would suck too. BAH. I like getting excited about things. I like feeling happy, proud, and satiated. Who doesn't?

You know what else is lame? Mistaking diplomacy for cowardice. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular. The fact is, I look at my situation, and whether or not confronting something would improve my situation. If bitching out someone would genuinely make my life better, well then I'd do it. But I'm not looking for admiration, hoping someone will see how patient I am and reward me. I just think life is too short to start shit about stupid things, then have to deal with the attentions of stupid people.

Right now, I'd like nothing better than to just feel like I got a good night's rest. Like all my work was done and I was completely happy with how I looked and acted. I am very very thankful for all the wonderful things I have in my life, for how well thigns have turned out--better than I thought they would. Now if this headache would go away.

I saw Elvis picking out lettuce yesterday at Jebbia's Market. Turns out he actually was an Elvis impersonator. What are the odds of that?

I can't believe how little I want for christmas this year.


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