The ever-fantastic wrap-it-up early Monday morning post
Not that really there was any great demand for it. . . . but it's late at night and none of my comics are new so what the heck.
I'm now aware my quiz results did not show up in the previous post. If anyone else took the crazy thing, apparently I am Glemph, the tentacle monster who wishes people would not stereotype his species as sex-crazed monsters. Wow. Exciting.
So how did the GRE's go? Well, first, before GRE talk, let me say that I was very happy that Alice and company came to Hiram on Friday. We had a very great time, I think, and to top it off--I GOT SUSHI! I also got yelled at for showing my sparkly ring. Oh well :) After sitting visiting Prof. Dreisbach with Carrie and Alice, I was just plain amazed at all the crazy things music people know. I should have realized they've got their lingo too, and it was amusing to sit around amongst music people and not understanding many various references. But that's ok, I've perfected my smile and act like I understand face from many years of listening to Dad, and also from dating the comp sci folk. ANYWAY. Fun times on the Friday night, and I was sad that I couldn't fully enjoy them, what with the GRE's happening the very next day.
So, I didn't get much sleep. I was too damn nervous, despite my constantly trying to convince myself it wasn't important and I'd do better if I was relaxed. I also almost forgot my admission ticket, as I was walking out of Henry. Thank goodness I checked, went all the way back up to the room, and grabbed it. Katie drove myself and Lauren up to Cleveland State. On the way, we chatted about grad schools, studied a bit, and also got egg mcMuffins--yum! We walked into our building, and were quiet suprised to see many many signs organizing lines for the Psychology Subject Test. Apparently that's what most people were there for, and apparently we were in the wrong hallway. As we got into the right hallway, I discovered my last name on the admission ticket was incorrect--it said "Pollackag" instead of "Pollack." Christ, I did NOT need this. Corrections had to be in the Friday before testing. And here I was, on a Saturday, taking a subject test on the last date that would meet my deadlines. . . and my last name on my ID didn't match my last name on the admission ticket. I had horrible visions of being kicked out of the test. Having to sit in the hallway for three hours, probably crying. But the lady at the desk just wished me good luck. What's more, I saw my name on the list, and it was spelled correctly. . . so I really have no idea what happened.
Well, with disaster narrowly averted, I found my assigned seat and got "in to position"--which would involve getting out my ID and numerous mechanical pencils with at least five leads in each of them and arranging them in front of me in an orderly manner. Ah, the old habits from my highschool test-taking days! There was some red-headed guy to my left who kept mumbling and grumbling, and eventually he proclaimed that for the money we pay for this test, they should be providing us with donuts and coffee, or at least a stick of gum. The guy to the right therefore gave him gum, and offered me some as well. So baby, I was ready to rock n' roll.
The test itself wasn't bad. Harder than the practice test. I think if I would've memorized all the amino acids, I would have been in better shape, but that wasn't something I was about to do, when I can freaking look them up in the lab. It's hard to tell how I did. I mean, it's all multiple choice, and sometimes I could only narrow things down to 2 answers, so I guess it's a 50/50 shot baby. So all in all, I'll say that it didn't suck. I answered most of the questions, at least 160 out of 180--I can't remember. More than anything I'm glad it's done.
So I hibernated most of the remainder of the weekend.
Of course, Sunday night I was supposed to test for my green belt. But mother nature interfered and instead I spent a good amount of time crouching in the lounge of 2nd Henry with Skeletor and crew, waiting for the tornado warning to end. Yeah. Well, thankfully most people behaved themselves, and there was a minimal amount of yelling and people vying for everyone's attention.
So here I am now, sleepy, but not in an especially good mood, so not sleepy enough to sleep just yet. It's weird, because I've finally gotten to a patch of time when I don't have alot of work to do, and now everyone around me is getting super stressed and busy. Not that I'm complaining. I'll find things to be stressed about. I'll listen to the Tarot Card Lady, who told me that while I don't generally struggle as much with my tasks as other people do, that's no excuse to heap more on my plate. So dammit, I won't.
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