Saturday, October 26, 2002

Criticizing Criticism

I'd like to keep this short, since I SHOULD be getting dressed to go to brunch. WHAT? REAL CLOTHES? BAH!

Sitting in the lounge thursday night, I got a little annoyed. There was a perfectly nice person singing on the Conan O'brian Show. In response to this, the denizens of the lounge began to list everything they hated about her. How much they hated her lips, her eyes, and especially her voice. They called her ugly, they said exclaimed things like she needed a facelift. . . . so yeah kids, everyone got the point. You think she sucks. WOW you're cool.

There's a brand of cool out there that depends on thinking everything sucks. You probably know what I mean. Some folks think they're too cool for everything. You know what I think? I think they suck. Our lives, no matter how lame they sometimes seem, are pretty damn great. The world is an amazing place. And you know what? You toss out your opinion like you think anyone gives a crap what you think.

Now, I'm not trying to attack folks who just generally don't like things. Hey, I like most things, so conversely there are probably folks who don't like most things. I'm just sick of people who equate criticizing everything with being intelligent. Sorry kids, but life's a tale told by an idiot. . .


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