Yeah, it's gotta be tuesday
BLAH. Leave it to the human brain to get bored even in paradise. I think that's why I should never live here long term: I'd just stop appreciating it. I guess it's the only benefit to living in a temperate climate. . .the winters are so bad that when it's nice you can't help but appreciate that. Oh well. Trying to figure out what I should do to make things more fun/interesting/exciting. And at the same time get work done, and also at the same time just RELAX occasionally. Tomorrow will mark the one-week-till-I'm-21 point. I'm happy but not really excited. I think, just maybe, I'm starting to wilt and get a little homesick.
CORRECTION FOR THE LAST ENTRY: the name of the show is "Sorority Life" NOT "Sorority Girls". . . .I'm sure I just *rocked* your world with that!
I'm still craving sushi--just the sushi rice and seaweed combination--so I'll probably by some more tonight at the grocery store. They make it as part of the deli section. . .what bliss! Maybe some poke to go along with it. After all, it IS Buffy Nite. Yes, you heard me say it.
Irony apparently has been making a list and checking it twice. . . and don't I know it. I was walking home from work yesterday, when I just thought "Carl is probably still home. I bet he didn't catch his flight"
I hate being right.
I came home to find him wandering around with his belt unbuckled--which always bugs me because it's a little TOO informal for my standards--with a semi-dazed semi-grin on his face. "As you can see" he said "I did naught ketch my flight." Yeah, I could see that. He then explained about how he had fallen very ill, and had gone to a friend's house for the night (that's a whole other mystery I care not to delve into), and so now he was booked for "wednesday a week from now." I was trying to look concerned and not really disgruntled, but I don't think it was working. Thankfully, he was going back to the friend's house so someone would be able to watch him. He looked horrible, boiling red, and the flecks of an unidentified substance on his beard didn't help things. Hopefully it was food poisoning and not something contagious.
I don't like being so negative about someone who's really done little that was wrong, but man, it has just bugged me to have to come home to this guy. I can't tell yet if he's staying at the friend's house until he leaves. We'll see.
*Sigh* like I said, my birthday is next week. . . if all else fails I have a date with a bottle of rum. I walked down the aisles of Safeway looking at the world that soon will be mine: the aisles filled with all the beverages I've felt wrong just standing in at times, like someone would card me right there. Yeah, I know, I'm silly :)
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