Saturday, July 20, 2002

The Weekend Arrives, and Amber Continues Going to Lab

I guess either I like my work. ..or. . . I'm a workaholic? Who knows. I slept in--it sure is neat to have 9AM feel like "sleeping in". Princess apparently is very displeased with the alarm clock, and so I woke up nose-to-nose with the yowling feline. The thought "we are NOT amused!" came to mind.

It's funny that my dream has kept me laughing all morning. Alot of it involved me being upset about silly things that wouldn't upset me in real life anymore. Also the generic "riding the bus" segments which I now have (perhaps I have overdosed on public transit). The part that keeps me laughing is where I really got fed up with someone who was bugging me. We had run across eachother on the street as I was stomping around in my luxurious temper-tantrum, and when they asked what was going on I turned, looked them straight in the eye, and yelled, "MIND YOUR OWN GOD-DAMNED BUSINESS!"

I don't know, it was pretty fun to be angry, pissy, and altogether not polite. Refreshing, satisfying. Unfortunately, in real life stepping outside the bounds of politeness rarely seems to get you anywhere but stuck in the slot of "rude, and obviously the bad guy." Funny how often I strive to come out looking like the good person, even when what I really want to do is wreak mass havoc and violence and scream out my curses to the world! I don't know what that makes me. Human, I guess.

So, eventually I made my way down to the bus stop, and off I went to town. A lady on the bus asked me where I bought my dress. I was flattered, but then again I had to tell her that I bought it at Sears on the mainland a couple years ago. OH well! I'm pleased that it fits me again. I hopped off a couple stops early to buy myself a Jamba Juice (a smoothie! my favorite being the Aloha Pineapple with it's pineapple sherbet and rasberries. . mmm!). Then I did some window-shopping through ward centre, where some sort of event was going on, involveing some lovely guitar music. So I walked slowly to enjoy it.

And now I'm at work! And everyone has gone away!


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