Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
Well, I can't help but want to try out a quiz after I see it done. SO, yes, I was a geek in highschool. Someday, if I ever write my memoirs, I want to entitle them, "The Dungeon Master's Girlfriend"
Maybe. But anyway, I'm still a geek. That hasn't changed and I'm glad, because I think it is by far one of the most fun existences in the world. But maybe that's just because I'm a girl and my geek status doesn't change how easily I can.. . "get a date". . . if it did, maybe I'd think twice about it. It took me a long time to be ok with being geeky, so dammit I'm going to enjoy it. And get it on as much as possible. Ok, I'm not going to think these thoughts. . .bah. damn brain. Damn scrambled porn.
Today is America's birthday, and yet still I came to work, because there really isn't alot else to do, and it's tempting to get more work done when it's an option. A geek and a hardworker. Dear lord. That's me. Got up late--at 9Am--and did my chores and made a chickpea salad for the barbeque tonight. . .I'll eat it if no one else will.
My travels to work brought me two interesting experiences. The first was a Japanese tourist with one of those poorly-worded english language shirts. This one was baby pink with blue letters, and it said "Touching is love, love is feeling, love is believe." It entertained me enough to record it in my journal for posterity.
In other recent events, I got bugged by a guy for the first time since I've gotten hear, and it wasn't even traumatic. I was walking the long and winding road past the fish warehouse (where all the fish gets dropped off every day and then shipped off around the island) and some guy in a white truck kindly asked me if I wanted a ride. I did my best to be nice but still say no. He drived on up the road, and when I passed his parked car he yelled "hello!"
I like this city. Even if guys do bug you, it isn't a "hey, young lady how you'd doin'" in a lecherous manner sort of thing. Just people wanting to meet you, being nice about it. I don't know wether to chalk it up to the holiday or my looking dressed up slightly, but it doesn't matter. Once again, I am affirmed in believing this city to be a grreat place!
So, other than that, not alot to report. Cheryl found an apartment, so she gets to keep her doggy with her. She gave me a hug and was very happy for five minutes, and then more worries settled in. Such is her life, apparently. Oh well! I'll just dream of coming back to Hiram, and enjoy my tropical paradise in the meantime.
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