Saturday, July 06, 2002


Well, dear Princess prettypaws, being a purebred siamese cat and therefore not fixed, is in heat. So here's another first in my life, watching a cat go absolutely crazy running around and rolling around and literally SCREAMING at all hours of the night. It's a little disturbing, as she often sounds like a small child being strangled. Yeah. Poor thing, all cooped up in that house with no boyfriend!

My dreams, once I got to sleep--had to shut the door so Princess didn't come in--were pretty neat. I had my first lucid dreaming experience, where I was sitting at a cafe table with Dave D. And it was like I just "woke up" in the dream, look around, and was just amazed. I was awake inside my dream! It was like breathing underwater, if that makes any sense. I asked Dave, in the dream, if he knew what this was. . .I really felt like I was actually talking with him, over the thousands of miles. Heck, maybe I was. Then again, maybe I was just dreaming. Doesn't matter. It was a fantastic experience, and I felt like I had at least five minutes with this person I miss a heck of alot. If I'm crazy, I hope I never get sane.

Plans for today include chatting online for awhile, and then heading over to the city-sized Ala Moana Shopping Center for some hardcore window shopping. Then home again for whatever I feel like.

I think there may indeed be some magic here in Hawaii--so much is happening, so much is being healed, and man who could ask for a better adventure? This really is a great vacation/internship. It's good to feel good, and there's a great swell on the ocean today, so the surfers are very happy too. Although five-foot waves look a little scary to me.. . .I'll be happy for them :)


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