Is that a swing?
I am proud to say I've at least conquered bus route 6 of the Oahu Bus System. Now if I could just get a damn monthly pass things would be fantastic. I discovered the shopping center by my house has a thai take-out place, a gigantic drug store, and a video rental place!!! I'm in heaven by god! Well, almost.
Latest home discovery is that I get scrambled porn. One would think it was a good discovery, except, well, it's very frustrating on many levels to try to watch. . .and yet quite difficult to look away! But occasionally, the picture clears, and it's quite an amazing 1.5 seconds. But still, this can't be heaven, because for now baby, this is as good as it gets :)
Hmm, anything else to report? Not really. Carl and I had an interesting discussion on seperation of church and state and I gave a decent dissertation on the history of my state, West Virginia. Still I'll be happy to be all by myself, even if princess pretty paws prances into my room to yowl at 6AM.
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