Whoah, what a weird feeling it is to be suddenly in Hiram, surrounded by people my own age, and then just as quickly find myself back at home, surrounded by internet-nazi siblings.
Let me hang my head low and say I kinda sucked as a visiting friend. This guy of mine, he's so nice that I get even more distracted then I usually am! Oh well. I still miss you guys, and I'm sorry you didnt' get to see my haircut, as some of you have been wondering exactly what it looks like. Well, I'll probably keep it this way, as it met with approval all day. Even Tom Bardwell, who is typically more Dave's friend than mine, said he loved it!!! That made me happy. I have the most fragile ego--I'm trying to work on that--and it's still frankly *bruised* so every little bit helps! But awareness of that weakness helps me to understand my bad nerves, my unfounded mistrust, and other bits of junk I am eager to toss out. So compliment the Leo! Yeah!
What else is there to say? Mom's visit to the Cleveland Clinic went well--they want her to come back for a full workup, which makes us happy as it may let us finally know what's wrong. Ach, at like $5,000 a day, I hope her stay will be worth it.
Wish the Staff of Dray headed to Wisconsin luck! They are flying on Thursday morning! Send your luck to whomever you choose :)
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