(I like this picture--Willow and Tara so cute!--there's no hidden meaning to posting a picture of lesbian witches on here, really!)
I reiterate that I am a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Geek
Hello! Never guess where I'm typing from! MY COMPUTER. AT SCHOOL! This ethernet card does work! I would like to thank the kindly Dave D. for making this possible.
So, let's see, what's up? A whole lot, and nothing at all, all in the same time. Still got work to do, but I've got all of tonight to work on my poster, so I am cheered by that prospect. Also, tomorrow I'll have all day to do what I like, and that may include packing up my room--I think it better, as it's shaping up to be an epic task. Got the poster presentation at 3PM--whee! It's all mundane stuff. Getting things done, cleaned up, and cutting back my roots so I can go home. . . .home. Wow, seeems like ages since I was there, even though it was 3 weeks or so. This semester just seems to stretch to encompass so many things in such a short period of time.
Other than that, the time has almost come for the year to be over. What this summer holds for me, wow, I don't even have a clue, but I bet it will be memorable. No two ways about it. I'm more concerned about next year, in a storm-cloud-off-in-the-distance kinda way. Can't completely ignore the horoscope, but here's hoping it isn't that bad. I know I can't put off making decisions when I get back. For now I can, but not forever. Such is life :)
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