Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Wednesday. . . (couldn't think of a better title)

Oh! So much has happened since last I wrote, so I'll try to cover everything that I can.

I ordered my tickets for Honolulu: I leave June 14th and return August 20--there goes my summer!

Only big event for Tuesday: BUFFY SEASON FINALE
I think folks are well aware of my feelings for this show. Let me just say that, like Episode II, Buffy was super fun and kicked total butt, even though I had to watch it holding the tv antennae and praying the signal didn't give out (no cable at the Pollack House). The lowly human Xander finally was able to do something, one of my favorite characters DIDN'T die (yay!), and whiny Dawn finally kicked butt, as she should be able to. After all, her DNA was taken from Buffy the VAMPIRE SLAYER. So, all in all, very rewarding to watch.

Ach, this day began too freaking early. I had to get up at 6:30AM to go help mom at preschool. It hurts!! You know, I used to get up this early every day for highschool, but I haven't gotten up before 7 (except for emergencies) for most of my college career. So I was rather bewildered. But then I got myself together. Which was a good thing.

We should all thank our lucky stars for Preschool teachers, and the amazing amount of work they put in every day. Mom had combined all of the 4-year old classes to get ready for their graduation show, which is tomorrow. But first mom and I had to set up the stage, which involved alot of heavy lifting and moving.

Some of you already know that my mom has health problems right now. Back when she was about 33, she fell down in the John Paul Ghetty Museum--she had a serious seizure. Turns out she had an ball of bloodvessels growing in her brain, which could have potentially caused an aneurysm, but didn't--the seizure was a warning. SO my mom had brain surgery, and although the surgeon happily announced it was the best brain surgery he'd ever performed, she would still be prone to seizures and have to be on medication for the rest of her life. Lately, her health has been less than good, for reasons yet unknown. She's supposed to take it easy. But, like my Grandpa who insists on driving a tractor every other day, mom is a workaholic and doesn't ease up.

We were moving stage aprons, when she suddenly stopped, got a look of panic in her eyes. "Oh no. Amber, I think I'm having a seizure." Now, on ER if people are having a seizure, you see them drop to the floor and flail all about. This isn't how it was. It was a mild seizure. She just sat there, furiously pinching the skin on the inside of her wrist and sadly chanting "Oh no. Oh no. Don't be a gran mal seizure (the serious kind) don't be a gran mal." This isnt' the first time it's happened. Mom and I will often be shopping, and she'll look at too wild a pattern and grab my arm. . .and i'll know what's going on. I've only seen one serious one, and I was about nine at the time. It's scary. It's also very hard to deal with. As a child, you expect your parents to be strong and just about immortal. And mom is a strong woman, and although I used to be frustrated with her for being anything less than perfect, now it just makes me sad. Because she is strong, but severely limited by her health.

The moment passed, and she got back up and started working again--she sounded relieved, and I tried to keep her from doing too much at once. She half-smiled her thanks, and we continued getting ready for the show. I still don't know if she told Dad what happened. And she seems better now. The moment has passed.

Moving on to happier things. Her kids are adorable. She frets over the show every year, but the truth is with cute kids, you can't go wrong. And boy to they love mom--I can see how that job is rewarding.

I left at lunch time to go with my brother for haircuts. I, of course, gave Don a hard time--It's my duty as big sister. And I GOT MY HAIR CUT! Shoulder length, rather Rachel-from-friends-esque with a heapin' helpin' of layers. I'm pleased, because I have less hair now (yay!), it frames my face better, and it looks so cute and new!!! So I'm happy, very happy with that.

Then I napped.

The evening was spent helping my younger sister Liz, age 13, with studying for her test in Science. Physics, YUCK. She's such smart cookie, but also a bit air-headed at times. Another reason to love her, my beautiful little sister. She's taller than I am now. It's weird to see her so grown up, and then listen to her and realize she's still only a 7th grader. I remember,when Sam saw her, he said "Oh, she's going to break hearts someday." I didn't believe him at the time, but now I do. *GULP*

Song for today: "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainright


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