Sunday, May 12, 2002

TEMPER TANTRUMS ARE FOR 3 YEAR OLDS (aka an argument in Amber's head)

But I only threw, like two or three in my entire remembered life. One was when my mom finally kicked me out of the stroller and made me walk--I was pretty pissed about that. Another time was when my mom insisted that I learn how to calculate a 15% tip in my head--which pissed me off because I didn't want to exert brain power on THAT.

I only bring this up because, dammit, my brain has thrown more tantrums this year than it has in a LOOOONG time. And tonight there's the incessant pouting of "I want to be in Hiram. it isn't FAIR. Everyone's having all kinds of fun, WITHOUT ME!! And how come Jason gets to sing with Dave? Huh?

Weell, DUH Amber-brain. You never asked. Gotta stop expecting people to read your mind and do what you want them to do for you. And further more, brain of mine, I think it is wise to remind you that if you were, in fact, up at Hiram, your mom would be sad and you'd have to confront some issues you may or may not be ready to confront yet. Relax and enjoy the summer you twit.

OK So I'm not happy to be home, but I'm not depressed anymore. And frankly I don't know how many people actually care one way or another. I'll blame it all on a quarter-life crisis. . .why the hell not?



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