Monday, May 20, 2002

Ok, so this day technically isn't really a two-entry day. . .but I finally have things on my mind and I do not have anything better to do, so rasberries to the whole concept!!!

I was rather teary-eyed today, as the last episode ever of Ally McBeal came to pass. I have been so happy to have real female characters that I identify with on TV. Buffy was one of them, and Ally was the other. I like Buffy because she kicks ass, and gets to do what I never can do: walk at night without fear. Ally? Well, Ally McBeal is crazy. She hallucinates, hears music at emotional moments: She's alot like me. I could go into great detail as to what a great character she is, and what a great show "Ally McBeal" is. . but I won't. If you could like the show as much as I did, you'd probably already be watching it. It's just one more thing this year has taken away from me. But it was an encouraging ending. She leaves the show smiling, because she knows that her life will work out, somehow. So. . .*grin*

Last thing of note: The horoscopes say great upheaval is at hand, starting this week, and intensifying next week. So if shit hits the fan, I told you so. Or, at least the stars did. And according the description, it's some serious shit. :) OH well! It's nice to have so many friends with so many signs to read for. I think I'm missing an Gemini and Capricorn. Oh well!!

I hope everyone has a good week, and if there is great upheaval, let the shit fly elsewheres than WV.


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