Thursday, May 02, 2002

A GOOD DAY (wednesday)

Let me give you the quick rundown. The AIBS spring picnic was a great success--lots of people attended, the food was so good we pretty much ran out, and I GOT MONEY. Ok, I got some scholarship award thingy, but nonetheless it's money I wasn't expecting to have. So, I'll have to do something non-practical with it like go shopping or eat sushi or who knows what. Yay!!! Also, I will not be president of AIBS next year, as I have been outvoted by Spencer. While I am a little dissapointed not to win the popularity game this year, I'm still basically elated because I don't have to be in charge of the damn thing next year. Congrats man!

After that, took a shower, cleaned my room, and helped out Nick with his homework for photography class.

Let me just say I have a newfound respect for photographers, as--a la Mr. Rogers field trip--I followed Nick over to the art building to see the negatives developed. Developing large format photos involves a multi-step process of washing the negatives in various chemical baths, over periods of time in a cramped little darkroom. Of course, all of this, including loading the negatives into these mind-boggling little trays, must be done in pitch black darkness. I was amazed. I couldn't see a blessed thing, not even my hand before me. And there he goes ( I could hear him) off to one side of the room to go through the whole process. All that you could see was the big glow-in-the-dark clock/timer on one wall. It was pretty surreal.

We have to do a similar developing procedure for biochem, but I could not fathom doing it in the dark. Wow. So, Amber, you oughta be in pictures? Now you are!

Field trip to some cool high-tech lab today!!! Be back at 5PM or so!


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