Monday, May 27, 2002

Amber, on plot devices

I've come to the conclusion that the story of 2002, if ever written, would be a damn good story. It started out like Star Wars: A New Hope: so full of bright events and optimism. Everything was explained, the bad guys were bad, the good guys were good, and there was no trouble in sight.

And then in February, like Empire Strikes Back, everything went to hell. . . so very quickly. Suddenly people I thought were friends were in fact not my friends, and I had to make new allies and rekindle old friendships. . . and seek some wisdom. It was a time of such upheaval and pain, which moved from group to group spreading such confusion! I thought at times I literally would not make it out alive.

What followed, after all the amputations and metaphorical freezing-in-carbonite betrayals? . . . . unlikely romances, colorful situations, new beginnings. It's been Lucas's patented three-act play drama to be sure. Introduce the situation, create conflict, resolution. But unfortunately this is life, and there are certainly more than three stinking acts.

I think about opportunity. How fine a thing it is to be seized. Because of it, I'm off to a tropical paradise this summer. But I think someone I know is troubled by opportunity right now. And my heart goes out to them, because they certainly are quiet dear to it. I'd say more on the topic, but I don't even know if the trouble is over me. I hope not. That would be almost too ironic. blargh.

It has been bittersweet to sweet listening to Dave actually fall in love. Making all these realizations about relationships and commitment that I made so early on in our relationship. Sometimes it feels like a kick in the shin. Like why couldn't he have felt that way when I did? We wouldn't have had to go through all this crap. . . .But alot of good has come out of this crap. Lotuses rising from the deepest mud. Mostly, it's nice, like watching someone taking their first steps, and remembering that once you were like them. There is no rush to meet up. I sit and wait for our feelings to meet.

Don's graduation party was great fun. There was to be had great food and live music and even a bit of dancing!! I was also glad to spend time with my 2-year old cousins Natalie and Thomas, and the older cousin the brilliant Michael Bailey (who does math problems for fun).

ALSO: Dave K. has made his webjournal password free again--so take a peek at it if you like! I find keeping up on everyone's journals often makes it easier to understand alot of their events better. Dave K.'s life connects with mine every so often, for the briefest span of days.


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