What is more unsettling, the calm before the storm, or after?
Friday, I finally began to feel better, after that great old "numb-in-the-gut" sort of feeling I had all day. I was starting to work things out in my head, trying to make sense out of what seems like the biggest knot of troubles I have ever seen in my short life. I went to Jiu Jitsu, managed to endure all the "where's Dave?" queries, and even had a really good time! As I walked back up the hill of death I found myself thinking "I can do this. .. I really can do this." Jiu Jistu is great for making you feel like a badass, in many respects.
I had a nice, sedate evening watching TV in the Henry lounge and reading up on plant care (I'm now working at the greenhouse). Then I made what may have been the mistake of getting on AIM and talking to Dave. He told me something else, which I can't reveal here, suffice to say that I was back to my old situation of being confused and hurt. I went and stared at my wall in the dark for about 20 minutes. **WARNING: EPIPHANY PENDING** In what literally seemed like one moment, all the things that had bothered me suddenly didn't and suddenly I could see clearly what was really bugging me, and what actually wasn't.
On Saturday, I took Dave and my parents out for dinner at Rockne's, and had a really marvelous time. Dad was having a particularly witty day, mom was relaxed. . . apparently they've been partying with their friends every weekend since new year's. That's a welcome change! Anyway, I had a really great time, and it wasn't weird for Dave and I. He'd talk to me and treat me just like he had before all of this, and finally I new that all this had not changed the way he felt about me: he didn't see me as boring or cloistering at all. I had been so afraid he was just tired of me, and that he was probably going to let me go. But he wasn't. He just wanted an opportunity to feel "free" again. I detest the way that sentence sounds, but there isn't a better way to put it. And now I'm kindof excited, because I can be free too.
In the end, I realized I was most upset because I thought this would shut me off from Dave, and from his friends who were starting to become my friends. But now I realize neither is true. Dave and I have worked out getting together every once and awhile just to hang out. Dave's friends have asked me how I'm doing, they've offered support even though they have their own troubles right now. There is a lesson to be learned from all of this, but I can't claim to know what that is. Except, maybe, never underestimate the value of thinking it over. Don't accept the emotional roadblocks you THINK you have. Sensei has said many times that when you say "I can't" you're really saying "I won't." I thought I could not handle this situation, but I wanted to, and now I know I can, and I will.
Well, I may not get to date anybody, and I may not be 100% ok if this all happens again, but I think I will survive (cue inspiring disco tune)
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