Monday, November 05, 2001

This is a chronicle of interesting times

Probably not interesting to anyone or anything else. Sitting on an html island, typically unlinked to the outside world. Dave's playing the guitar, I'm typing & playing it cool, pretending not to be at all moved, which is impossible since his playing and singing is my supreme weakness, infallible no matter what my willpower. Ach. With nightfall comes this sadness, I don't know, like heavy curtains over any light my heart held during the day. I feel like crying, like lashing out, like sleeping, like dancing. I'm not all sad, that's just the most suprising emotion. Maybe I'm secretly trying to be manic-depressive. . . how glamorous. I think I'm just at that stage between one plateau and the next, when everything is changing. I'm hoping for this mood to stop BEFORE the holidays. For alot of reasons, but the main idea being that holidays are usually depressing enough without friends. So who knows what they'd be like, like this. I've been happy all day, though, almost manic in a sense. Yeah, whatever. What's missing here? What is the key to getting out of this box? I don't know. I just don't know.

Oh, I forgot to mention. Had another dream last night. In this one, I was picking up all my friends from junior high in a charter bus, and we went to buy cloths for some special dance happening soon. I don't know what to think of this either. I miss them, sometimes, but mostly just wonder what they're doing now; I wonder how they're doing now. Maybe that's all these dreams really are, but strangeness indeed.


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